highlands college graduation

Saturday (5.12.18) was our Highlands College graduation ceremony. When we arrived, we went straight to check-in, where they gave us our medals and cards that had our name on it. Aaron and I both got Academic Honors, which I was especially proud of!


It was so fun to see our classmates and friends. Especially our Boom Squad (the people we went on our mission trip with back in October).



On our card was a number, and we had to stand in that order. Luckily, Aaron was in front of me and one of my close friends from our mission trip, Priscilla, was right behind me, so we had a great time waiting for the ceremony to begin.


The ceremony started worship, a message from the chancellor, and then the distribution of our certificates began. They started with the traditional students and then moved onto the evening students. Rylie was incredibly patient and anxious to see us get our certificates.


Finally, the moment that Aaron and I both had been waiting for for the past 2 years arrived…

It felt so good to walk across that stage and receive what I had been working so hard for. And to accomplish it with my husband was even more special!

After the ceremony was over, it was time for family pictures.







Our close friends, Kendyl and her fiance, came as well, which meant so much to us!



Finally, it was incredibly important that we got this picture, and you can read the description to see why 😉


A year ago, I saw a picture in my mind so vividly I knew it was from God. It was of us at our Highlands College graduation and Aaron was holding Rylie who was wearing pigtails and I was holding a month old baby with dark brown hair. A couple months later, I found out I was pregnant.
It hasn’t been easy committing to 2 years of school, paying for 2 tuitions, and being pregnant for 3 outta 4 semesters with 2 different kiddos, but I wouldn’t trade these last 2 years for anything. I’ve learned and grown more than I ever thought I could.
Each week I learned something new, and most nights I left class feeling like my mind was going to explode from all the wisdom I had just absorbed. Because of Highlands College, I am a better wife, mom, friend, employee, leader, and woman. Highlands College changed my life, and I am forever grateful for the wisdom and blessing God has put on this academy!

Overall, the ceremony was beautiful and a really special occasion for Aaron and myself. We were so thankful that our family and friends were able to celebrate with us!