shaver farms

Today (October 12th), is National Farmers Day and since my father-in-law has tapped into the farming industry this past year, I feel a special pull to make a shout out. 🙂


What started out as a dozen chickens has turned into countless chickens, ducks, rabbits, pigs, a cow, a donkey (both the cow and donkey have gone on to new owners) & turkeys.


The journey of watching my in-laws farm has been a sight to see. There is a story every time we visit (which is multiple times a week) and farm fresh food tastes far better then any of us anticipated.


Although I’ve learned a lot and can no longer eat store-bought eggs because farm eggs are just too amazing, I think my favorite part of the farm is seeing how much joy it brings Rylie. She squeal’s when she sees any of the animals and loves yelling at the pigs. “HERE PIG PIG PIG!” is an exclamation that is declared even when we are not on the farm hahaha


With farm life comes laborious days, bargaining sales and some stressful happenstances. But overall, I think everyone in the Tribe would agree that Shaver Farms is an experience worth investing in.