2022 is marked by the adoption.

Aaron & I both wanted adoption to be part of our family and after years of asking God if we could, He clearly told us “it’s time to adopt” in January of 2022.

To top that off, we can not shake the feeling that we are supposed to adopt TWIN BOYS.

At the beginning of this year, if you had told me I would create a logo that would become loved & recognized in public, get into a nation-wide campaign that shared our story with over 13,000 people, be known by strangers who’ve heard our story, become “the sourdough lady,” have the opportunities I’ve had, met people who are so invested in our journey, etc. …I’m just awestruck the adoption has changed my life. How much it’s added so much to me. But not without sacrifice, exhaustion, blood, sweat and lots of tears.

We’ve done over 25 fundraisers in 12-months.

I’ve seen God in all of it. I really don’t know how you can’t. We’ve grown so close this year, and that has been one of my favorite things.

I’m anxious to meet them – the boys. To hold, kiss, snuggle, cry, laugh, grow, learn, be overwhelmed (haha) – and yet I’m content with my life right now. I understand this winding valley and mountaintop journey God has me on. Has our crew on. I know every moment I wait is time their first-mama gets with them. And regardless of her story & how she feels about the boys inside her, it’s special for her to have that time with them. And I don’t want to ruin that time with my impatience.

So looking back on 2022, I’m wowed, overwhelmed (in a good way), depleted and thankful.

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