making caramel apples

Every Thursday night, we get together with Aaron’s family for what I called “Tribe Night.” We try to do more than just eat dinner and talk, but sometimes we’re all exhausted from the week so it doesn’t happen. So when Michelle texted our group text asking what apples we wanted because we were making caramel […]

thankful thursday #43

Truth be told, my days have been off all week. I thought Monday was Tuesday, Tuesday was Wednesday, and Wednesday was Thursday haha. Luckily, I have finally caught on to what day it is and can now confidently say it is Thursday! Which means it’s time for this week’s Thankful Thursday. Thankful Thursday #43   Podcasts […]

mr. & mrs. crooks

With shockingly fast turnaround, it hasn’t even been 3 weeks since Zac & Kendyl’s wedding day and they have already received their wedding photos. Kendyl was kind enough to share the photos with the bridal party so I wanted to share a few pictures with you. I’d also like to point out that I am […]

the shaver crew – 2018

When it comes to family photos, I feel like I understand both sides (photographer + client). When Aaron and I first moved to Alabama in 2015, I spent a year and a half primarily working on growing my photography business. One of the first blog posts I ever wrote was titled “why hire a professional […]

1,706 photos and videos

Do ever have those computer projects that seem daunting but you feel so good after you’ve accomplished them? That was me when I looked at my phone and saw almost a year’s worth of photos that I had not backed up onto our family’s backup drive where I keep all our photos, videos, documents, etc. So […]