27 things I never thought I would…

Your girl is officially in her late-20’s. *insert shocked face here lol*

The last couple years I’ve done fun posts on my birthday (25 of my favorite things & 26 random questions about me) so I wanted to do something fun for 27. I had a few ideas like:

  • 27 of my favorite blog posts I’ve ever written
  • 27 of my favorite Instagram accounts
  • 27 life-changing/life-defining moments
  • 27 of my favorite kid cartoons

But I decided to go with –

27 things I never thought I would…

Alright, let’s get into it.

I never thought I would…

  1. get married at 20
  2. absolutely love being married even after the “honeymoon phase” was over
  3. move to Alabama & call it home
  4. have my first child at 22
  5. be a girl mom (of 3)
  6. have owned 3 homes before I was 27
  7. love The Office show
  8. enjoy the Lord of the Rings trilogy
  9. be an iPhone owner
  10. have a blog (that others read)
  11. be into clean living & care about what was in the products I bought
  12. have a business
  13. enjoy the simple things in life (like a capsule wardrobe, minimalism, meal planning, etc.)
  14. drive a mini-van (and love it so much!)
  15. live in a trailer/mobile home (or whatever you want to call it)
  16. value having a few really close friends vs. a lot of surface-level friendships (having quarters vs. pennies I say)
  17. have the current extended family dynamic I do
  18. want plants in my house (and actually keep the ones I do have alive)
  19. enjoy reading
  20. enjoy going to bed early
  21. prefer evening showers vs. morning showers
  22. consider photo books a precious item
  23. rely on my planner so much (my memory is not what it used to be haha)
  24. make to-do lists every day
  25. swim with turtles
  26. not still be “best friends” with the people I was best friends with in High School
  27. actually like who I am and be okay if others don’t

Here’s to 27!