2nd trimester overview

Can you believe I’m already in my 3rd trimester? I can’t. Just a few more weeks and we’ll officially welcome our beautiful baby girl into the world. 😀 Ahh, I’m getting goose-bumps just thinking about it! 😉

Since I wrote a 1st trimester overview, I thought I’d continue that spirit by writing a 2nd trimester overview. Let’s kick it off with some of my favorite things –


Favorite Things



I know I said this in my 1st trimester overview, but seriously, water is absolutely essential! Especially since both the baby and I have been doing a lot of growing, I need to drink even more. I can never seem to intake enough water.

Body Pillow


When I first got the Leachco Back N Belly Chic Contoured Body Pillow, I wasn’t sure what the big hype was. I honestly didn’t find it that comfortable – but that was during my 1st trimester. Now, I love it! It can be cumbersome at times and I hate how it divides Aaron and I, but I’m sure I get a better nights sleep with it.

Belly Balm


At the beginning of my 2nd trimester, I realized I should probably get something to help prevent stretch marks. When we visited Seattle back in May, a sweet mama friend of mine gifted me with the Honest Company Organic Belly Balm. I love it! It feels amazing on my skin and provides a reason for me to massage my belly (like I need one 😛 ). And so far, it seems to be working. 🙂

Lower Back Massages

Back Pain In Pregnancy
Back Pain In Pregnancy

I’m always down for a back massage, but these last few weeks, I feel like I could use one every single day – especially on my lower back. Both baby and I have been growing so much which means lower back pain is definitely a thing. Thankfully, Aaron is always willing to help me out for a few minutes to provide some relief. I try to make sure I’m sitting properly as well in attempts to alleviate it, but it’s kind of a hit or miss.

Bump Update Posts

This was a favorite for me during my 1st trimester too, but I feel like it’s been even more fun these last few weeks because of how drastically my belly has grown. The pictures above are the beginning to the end of my 2nd trimester – my 14th week and my 26th week. I’m amazed by the difference. :O


How My Life Has Changed

It’s a Girl!!!


Probably the most exciting thing about the 2nd trimester was finding out the gender of our baby. It’s probably one of my favorite moments of my life! Even though we were both so sure we’d have a boy first, Aaron and I are so excited to be having a girl. <3 Rylie is going to fit perfectly into our family!

Looking Pregnant


There’s no hiding it now – no matter what I wear, I without a doubt look pregnant. I look back at photos of myself early on in my pregnancy (1st trimester) and at the time, I thought I was showing but now I realize I really wasn’t. 😛

Feeling Discomfort


It just comes with the territory I’m told. I’ve shared with my doctor my concerns and she just nodded and said it’s all normal, so unfortunately there’s not a whole lot I can do. But I try to stay encouraged and remember that it’s all worth it! 😉

Buying Baby Stuff


Aaron and I decided pretty early on in our pregnancy that we didn’t want to spend a lot of money on baby stuff. We also agreed to wait until we knew the gender before we bought anything, so when we found out we were having a girl, no joke, the next day we went out shopping. 😛

Since then, we have become major thrifters. Pretty much everything we’ve purchased (except the stroller) has been from the thrift store by our house. Unless given to us, all of her clothes are from the thrift store too. We’re all about 2nd hand as long as there are no tears or stains. And I ALWAYS wash it before hanging it up. Always.


What I’m Thankful For

Small Groups


At the beginning of summer, I joined an “Expectant Mothers” small group at church, and it has been such a blessing! Some of the moms have already had their babies so we’re a mixed group of “pregnant,” and “newborn.” It’s been such a encouragement to me to have this community of ladies who understands the joys and struggles of being pregnant + being a brand new mommy. I know I can text them any time with a prayer request or a simple “can you believe this happened!?” It’s been so great and I’ve met some phenomenal ladies! 🙂

The Husband


Of course, where would I be without my hubs!? He has continued to be as supportive as ever of me and the physical + emotional toll this pregnancy has had on me. Not to mention, he is absolutely in LOVE with his baby girl! I am dying to see them together and I know my heart is going to melt. <3 I’m so blessed by him, his servants heart and just the way he loves me! I couldn’t do this without him.

Time with God


I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again – pregnancy is hard. Much harder than I ever gave it credit for. This makes me all the more thankful for a relational God who lets me talk to him (sometimes with tears from pure exhaustion) and he genuinely cares. I cannot tell you how many times I have found comfort in knowing that even though I love Rylie, God loves her even more. That he has personally, carefully, and perfectly designed this baby girl and chose ME to be her mama.




Question of the Day:

  • Mamas/Moms-To Be: Is there anything in particular you fell in love with during the second trimester of your pregnancy?