5 things I learned | 5 things I’m adding | 5 things I’m leaving

I let this gem sit in my “Drafts” folder for too long. Hope you guys enjoy the self-reflection today and maybe do some for yourself πŸ˜‰


Our world is no where near rid of Covid-19, and the devastation of this pandemic will continue for months to come. But since being back in the world (Covid-style), I’ve been doing some reflecting. I believe this season is a time to grow, in various ways. To reevaluate and to remove (and add) things in our lives. Today, I want to share with you the 5 things I learned, 5 things I’m adding & 5 things I’m leaving behind.

5 Things I Learned

Practicing Peace

The Lord put the word PEACE on my heart for 2020 and what a better time to practice peace than now. I feel like there are constantly opportunities to let fear, disappointment and grief strike my heart, and although I believe in embracing all emotions, ultimately peace had to overcome and rule in my heart. Winning these battles allowed me to bring that feeling to our family, and it was noticeable.

I’ve also noticed that my lifestyle can create peace or rob me of it. I tried to take notes of these moments and made adjustments as necessary.

Growing My Confidence In My Talents

God used it has an opportunity for me grow in my confidence in my giftings. Back when I did theme days, there were a few that did not turn out the way I had envisioned and it was frustrating to me, but those were the themes where I got the biggest response online and people were replicating the activities we did. God taught me that if I am faithful to use the gifts He has given me then He will be faithful to use it to impact others.

Not just with theme days, but blogging, my ability to foster a strong community vibe with others, being intentional with my kids, etc.


I’ve been leading a mama group for a few weeks before Covid-19 hit and this season really challenged and grew me as a leader. I refused to let social distancing be an excuse to not keep up, so pretty much every day we were communicating on GroupMe, Marco Polo + a weekly Zoom call. I shared a daily verse and came up with a discussion question every few days to keep our group active.

All of this has required me to be very intentional. Before I opened my home once a week and everyone had little convos with everyone while the kids played and it was a good day. I’d usually post one check in sometime that week and that was it. Covid-19 really allowed me to hear the hearts of my friends and take action when I could.

Self-Care Changes Everything

One thing I really noticed during the early weeks was when I took care of myself or did something to fill me up, my day went better. Each week I found myself adding a small thing that cumulated into a new necessary habit. I can tell when I haven’t done it.

5 Things I’m Adding

Working Out

First thing in the morning. It doesn’t have to be a long one, but a minimum of 10-minutes to wake up my body and get it moving has become a vital part of my morning routine.


I try to read twice a day (once at quiet time and once before bed) but that doesn’t always happen. I strive for at least one chapter a day though, whether that’s little bits here and there throughout the day or a solid stretch right before bed. I love the stories I’ve picked + the feeling of accomplishment when I finish the book.

Regular Blog Schedule

You guys can correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like I established a pretty good blog rhythm during those Spring quarantine days πŸ™‚ I enjoyed getting back into the flow of regularly sharing our days, recipes and projects. Just sharing our life.

School Focus

We got into a homeschool flow and I love it! I’m loving seeing my little mama-dream coming to life and watching Rylie grow in her learning abilities.

House Projects

I’ve really been enjoying making our home more “us.” Whether I was painting a room (why yes, we did paint 4 rooms during quarantine πŸ˜› ) or purging, I enjoyed it all and am exciting to keep it going.

5 Things I’m Leaving

Rushed Mornings / Days

You are looking at a girl who is making no plans before 10 am!

Random Screen Time

Having set “screen time” moments for myself is a hard disciple but so rewarding.

Spending Time With All The People

Obviously we’re not getting rid of meeting with people and playdates, but I’ve learned it’s okay (& necessary) to be protective of our time and not cram out weeks.

Taking Things For Granted

It’s so easy to become complacent. I’m thankful for this wake-up call to never just assume life will always be a certain way and we’ll always get to see our people.

Multiple Shopping Trips

Let’s be real, I would go grocery shopping multiple times a week. Whether it was because I didn’t want to do it all at once (totting three littles is a lot of energy) or I ran out of something I originally thought we had enough of, this really challenge me to take full inventory and get as much done as possible to avoid going out multiple times.

Do you feel you learned anything in particular during Covid-19?