packing & flying out of seattle

We had plans to fly out on SUNDAY (6.18.17), but our flight was overbooked so we were not able to get on (luckily we knew before we left for the airport) so we spent the day hanging out with my mom & dad at their place. It was nice to have a chill day, I won’t lie.

When we arrived SATURDAY (6.17.17) evening, we unloaded everything we had acquired over the 16 days we were there and dumped it all on the living room floor.

Believe it or not, 90% of it was Rylie’s. 😛 But, not surprisingly, she got a lot of gifts from friends and grandparents, so we had some unexpected blessings to pack as well.


We separated everything  into piles (Aaron, Sarah & Rylie) so that it would be easier to pack.



Once we had packed (which was less then a couple hours), we hung out with my folks – played a movie in the background, hung outside and ate.



Our flight was a little after midnight, so we packed all our bags in the car and headed to the airport.

When we arrived and got everything unloaded, we took a few pictures of all our stuff (because I insisted this had to be documented! haha).




We said “bye” to my parents, and headed in to check our bags.

Once we were at our gate, Rylie played for a little bit, and then started getting obviously sleepy…


…but I really wanted her to sleep on the plane (especially since it was leaving at 12:30am PST) so we tried to keep her entertained until we took off.


We finally got on and she could fall asleep. She slept all 4 hours of the flight, which was awesome! I didn’t get as much sleep as I wanted, but I did get a few minutes, which was nice.

We got to our layover in North Carolina, and Rylie was up and ready to play.


On this flight, Rylie took a short nap, but otherwise, she was up and playing.


We got back to Alabama at 10:30am-ish CDT. We grabbed all 5 bags from baggage claim, and headed out to the parking deck where my in-laws parked a car for us the night before (everyone was gone at work so no one could pick us up).


We crammed everything into that little Honda and headed home. Aaron and I were both exhausted but Rylie seemed so happy to be home (we were too).

When we got home, we set our bags on the floor by the door and fell on the couch. We tended to Rylie when she needed it, but otherwise, we watched TV and took a nap.


We were so thankful for safe travels and an amazing little travel buddy! 😀