3 year anniversary

On WEDNESDAY (6.21.17) Aaron & I celebrated our 3 year anniversary.

It was really simple – mostly because we had just gotten back from Seattle 2 days beforehand, but also because we had Rylie and couldn’t get a sitter on short notice. So we ordered Olive Garden To-Go and ate at home.


The rest of our evening was super normal – we watched a movie and then gave Rylie a bath and put her to bed.

We normally take a picture of the two of us to celebrate and be able to look back years later, but since we were busy with work and being parents, we didn’t get a photo of just the two of us. So here’s a photo from a couple weeks later at church. It was Rylie’s nap-time so she was not interested in a family photo 😛


I cannot tell you how much I love being married to this guy! <3