rylie’s 1st birthday day

Rylie’s first birthday was a lot like any other day, but we did do a couple things a little “out of the norm” to celebrate. Also, I think she totally knew it was her birthday 😛


I’m in the middle of a very busy season at work, so getting the full day off wasn’t very plausible, but I was able to leave at 2pm and have the afternoon / evening with my family. By the time I got home, Rylie had already woken up to balloons and Daddy singing “Happy Birthday,” a yummy breakfast and lunch, some playtime with Auntie Ambam, and a good nap. So when I got home, we got dressed in some warm clothes and checked out a new park because Rylie loves the outdoors.





When we got home, Aaron and Michelle ran to Wal-Mart to get a couple ingredients for dinner and Rylie and I enjoyed “her Pixar movie” – Inside Out. When we named her, we had a few people ask us if we named her after that movie. Even though we hadn’t, it is one of our favorite Pixar movies and we played the intro song throughout my pregnancy. When she was born, we watched the movie in the hospital one night too, so I felt like we had to watch it on her birthday!


We enjoyed her favorite dinner with the tribe – spaghetti. She ate so much of it, I’m surprised she had room in her tummy. When her second plate full was empty, we turned out the lights and sang “Happy Birthday” to her.



A couple pictures, a much needed bath and a story book later, the birthday girl was passed out.


Overall, I think it was a very fun 1st birthday for our Rylie-girl! <3