thankful thursday #14

As I’m sitting here in the hospital staring at our newest addition, all I can really think of is how thankful I am for Emmaline! But in attempts to have some kind of a list for this week’s Thankful Thursday post, there were a few other things that happened this last week that I’m appreciative of 😉 Here we go –


Thankful Thursday


• I’m a Bridesmaid

Two of my favorite candy bars, a candle + a succulent all wrapped in a cute brown box with this card on top was such a sweet way of asking me if I’d be her bridesmaid. I’m so grateful Amberlyn asked me to stand by her on her special day! Now to lose this baby belly so I can order that bridesmaid dress 😉 😝

• Rylie’s 1st Easter Egg Hunts

Rylie. Plastic Easter eggs filled with toddler snacks. “Scavenger hunt” with a 1 year old. Need I say more? Hahaha – watching her joyful-self pick up those eggs and put them in her little basket only to later realize some of her favorite snacks were inside was so cute and I was thankful we get to enjoy this new age where we can start these new traditions.

• Being Pregnant During Highlands College

Unknown of when Emmaline would arrive, I asked Aaron to take this photo of me before class started. It basically sums up my Highlands College career – using my pregnancy belly as a desk 😝 Having two babies while being in Highlands College has been interesting to say the least (I’ll be sharing a whole blog post dedicated to my experience at HC in a few weeks), but I really wanted to make sure I got this picture so that I could always remember this unique season.

• Emmaline’s Arrival


And to wrap up the week – Emmaline finally being able to join our family is really #1 on my thankful list <3




What are you thankful for this week?