summer blast 2018

Earlier this week was Church of the Highlands’s kids conference – Summer Blast! It’s very similar to the well-known VBS (Vacation Bible School) that lots of churches have, but it’s only 3 days (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday). Summer Blast is a ton of fun and even though I loved serving Summer Blast in 2016 & Summer Blast in 2017, I wasn’t able to take the time off work to serve this year. 🙁 But Aaron was asked to lead the object lesson (the Bible story) all 3 days and lead the salvation prayer on day 1. 😀

The theme was “Outta This World” – so the space theme rang loudly at every campus.


Each day had a main point, and every station (games, object lesson / craft, snacks, movie, etc.) worked off that simple phrase.

Day 1:


Day 2:


Day 3:


On the first day, I was checking out my Insta-stories and a couple leaders from our campus took photos of Aaron teaching, so I snagged them 😉




I was so overjoyed to see my man rocking his role, and my heart was exploding with pride. He is such a natural!

He told me that dozens of little hands went up during the salvation prayer that he led, and it was one of the coolest experiences he’s ever witnessed – all the little hearts committing to the Lord. <3


Oh, one last thing before I sign off on this year’s Summer Blast! Every year our Highlands Kids team collaborates with the Creative Team and creates a hilarious video for the kids to watch during opening and closing worship sessions. They are so catchy and the auditorium without fail erupts in screams of excitement when they start playing. I’ve even caught myself singing these songs at home 😛

Here are all the videos they’ve produced thus far.



