emmaline’s 1st birthday day

Emmaline’s 1st birthday day was not what most parents would envision for their child’s 1st birthday. With the sudden news of Aaron’s grandfather’s passing on Friday (3.29.19), we loaded up the car and drove up to Illinois Sunday (3.31.19) with plans to drive back on Wednesday (4.3.19), Emmaline’s birthday. Our desire was to leave early so we could stop somewhere along the way and do something fun to celebrate, but between exhaustion from the late night before and packing, we didn’t get on the road until 11am which put us at a late arrival without stops and of course there are mandatory gas and bathroom breaks. I did try to find something modest to do but everything was either too pricey or wasn’t what we were looking for. I decided the best thing to do was to get home, so that’s what we did.


The birthday girl was a fantastic road-tripper and got a couple good naps too. She spent the evening eating Cheerios, dancing and playing with Rylie before heading to bed.


A fairly uneventful day, but I was thankful I had brought the necessary thing to take some 1-year-old pictures of her to post on her birthday.


Trying to convince her to stay still with a PB&J sandwich haha



Adjusting/fixing the crown


What I really look like when taking milestones of Emmaline 😛 in some kind of weird position with food in my hand hahaha!