bump update :: week 26


Symptoms :: Serving Summer Blast definitely took it out of me. I was really tired but what is new 😛 My mouth finally healed so I could eat whatever again! Praise the Lord!!!

Food Aversions :: Ice cream.

Food Cravings :: All the Hawaiian food we no longer have access to. 🙁

Sleep :: Still recovering from jet-lag + serving long hours at Summer Blast with very energetic children only to come home to 2 of my own energetic, clingy children prevented me from taking the nap I desperately wanted… but yeah, sleep didn’t seem to really happen this week 😛 but when I did sleep, I loved it and slept well.

Looking Forward To :: feeling caught up. I feel so behind on everything.

Baby Purchases :: Nothing.

Fun Stories :: While serving Summer Blast, I did not notice any other pregnant women serving. One day, a fellow leader asked me how I was doing and I said, “I’m hanging in there.” She gave me a warm smile and said, “we’re all just really impressed you’re doing this!” “Aww,” I responded, “thank you so much!”