letters to paisley || 34 weeks in my belly

Dear Paisley,

I can’t believe we have 6-ish weeks until we get to see your little face, watch you yawn and kiss your chubby cheeks. I’m so curious what you will look like but I know your heart will be even more beautiful than anything we see on the outside.


You have been my most active baby by far which makes me wonder if you’ll be constantly wiggling when you arrive.

Although my body has struggled more this round than with your older sisters, knowing that I was chosen to be your mama makes me so happy and I’m willing to walk through this uncomfortable and sometimes painful season to get to the ones of hugging, kissing, guiding and chatting with you.

There is something so unique about you, baby girl. Your story hasn’t even fully begun and I already know that God has big things planned for you.


Your sisters are so excited to meet you too. I love seeing them love on you through my belly with hugs, kisses and loving pats (well… mostly loving anyway haha). We are working with them to have gentle hands so you aren’t abruptly disturbed as often, but as the 3rd child, you’ll likely learn to handle yourself quicker than most 😛


Your clothes are washed, hung, and waiting to be filled. Your newborn diapers are sitting in my closet and I’ve got my hospital bag packed so I’m ready when you are ready. But there are still a few more things I need to get done, so off I go.

I love you, Baby Paisley!

