easter scavenger hunt

I love Easter time! Spring air, new blooms, the promise of new life, it all makes me happy.

Our family doesn’t have any Easter traditions yet, but as our kids get older I’m wanting to start some. To help, I decided to create a little Scavenger Hunt (it sounded more fun than “to-do list” πŸ˜› ). My heart is to have all the boxes checked before Easter Sunday, but I’m not putting a high pressure on it. The list is not the point. The hearts behind the list is the point!

I like to think of Easter as a time to celebrate extravagant love. God showed us extravagant love when He gave us His son, so now we can show extravagant love to others.

I would love to do this with you!

Here is the printable so you can have a hardcopy for yourself.

Also, save the photo and share it on your socials. Challenge your friends and share which ones you’ve accomplished. πŸ™‚

If you’re on Instagram, would you mind tagging me so I can see how your family is celebrating this Easter week!? My Instagram is @sarahmshaver!

Happy Easter Week my friends!