shaver crew school

Covid-19 has forced families to do a lot of things they wouldn’t normally do, including homeschool. Honestly, homeschooling is not for everyone. Not everyone is called to do all the things Covid-19 has required of us, so please extend yourself a lot of grace in this season.

However, before we even had kids Aaron & I knew we were going to homeschool.

I started focusing on some things with Rylie in August 2019 but knowing we would be adding Paisley a month later, I was really focusing on life-skills (like self play, bonding with Emmaline and baby care).

For the second and third week of Covid-19 I did Themed Days. We all loved them and the girls had a lot of fun!

But, as I’ve noticed many mamas doing right now, I set aside some time to reflect and consider the biggest return on investment and I could no longer see how a different theme every day was sustainable. So I made two shifts – one was transitioning to Weekly Themes and the second was to get back into homeschooling and find a consistent schedule with that.

I’ve been wanting to focus on homeschool more lately but I just couldn’t seem to work it into our current schedule. So, like potty training Emmaline, what better time then Covid-19 to get in the habit of setting aside some time every day to learn.

My first thought was excitement, and my second thought was “where the heck am I supposed to start!?”

Thankfully, that thought didn’t last long as I started Tuesday (4.7.20) with the alphabet and was surprised at how much Rylie struggled. So starting Wednesday (4.8.20) we’re working our way through memorizing and writing each individual letter.

Please don’t think I have all the plans, structure and resources together because I don’t. I’ll mainly be focusing on creative play, reading/books, light curriculum & a whole lot of life school!

I’ll be sharing what we do on a separate insta-account if you want to follow along – @shavercrewschool

I’m excited. I’m expectant. And I would love to include you in our journey!

Are you homeschooling for the first time or are you a seasoned veteran?