bath time with beauty counter

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Sarah Dower with BeautyCounter. All opinions are 100% my own.

Within the last year, I’ve really started paying attention to the products I use and allow in my home. There are so many ingredients used that are so terrible for you and extremely unhealthy. My convictions just couldn’t let it slide any longer, so I’ve been doing research, being wise with our finances in other areas and sucking up the cost to have clean and safe products in our home.

To not waste money, I’ve been making the switches slowly as we run out. A couple months ago, I downloaded the ThinkDirty app and scanned all the products we use (for Aaron, myself and the girls). I’m talking toothpaste, makeup, shower products, deodorant, diaper rash cream, all the things. Thankfully, we had some things that were green (which means the ingredients are clean and holistic) but some items were red (which means they are full of unhealthy, toxic and in extreme cases, cancer-causing ingredients).

Now that I had a list, I started comparing prices with the companies I knew who had a clean, safe, & holistic version of the products I needed.

One of the items we were running low on that I immediately wanted a safer option for was our kids bath stuff.

Normally we grabbed the WalMart brand for it’s low cost. But when I scanned it with the ThinkDirty app, I was mortified to see the bright red color and all the horrible ingredients I was willingly putting on my kids in the name of “saving money.”

After comparing multiple companies and factoring quantity with cost, I settled on BeautyCounter’s kids bath collection and I am never going back!

First of all, just knowing I’m putting something safe, clean and healthy on my kids is a game changer. Plus, it smells incredible! When we first used it, it’s all Aaron and I talked about the whole time we cleaned the girls.

The Kids Shampoo (blue) contains a mix of broccoli, carrot root and strawberry extracts for a gluten & nut-free formula. The citrus oils and vanilla extract give the shampoo a creamy orange/vanilla scent that we all love.

The Kids Conditioner (yellow) is made with super-emollient safflower seed oil, carrot root extract for gentle conditioning. The same citrus oils and vanilla extract give it that creamy orange/vanilla scent.

And finally, the Kids Body Wash (red) has a combination of nourishing fruit extracts that provide a delicious berry scent. Perfect for kids with all skin types.

Seriously though parents, do some research. You may be compromising your body / your loved ones’ bodies just to save some dollars. It’s not worth it.

If you want to start making the switch, let me introduce you to my BC girl – Sarah. She used to be my neighbor, and I have loved watching this passion of hers to educate and empower people to make healthier product choices develop. She is married and has a toddler aged son so I know she has my family’s best interest at heart.

You can shop with Sarah over here on her personal website. And follow her on Instagram for daily tips, demos, information + more.