summer blast 2020

Summer Blast is our church’s VBS. It’s three days and so much fun. This year it looked a lot different though. They handed out packets that had craft supplies, coloring pages & we could go on the website the day of to watch worship, the lesson and other things produced by the kids team.

Out of all three days, only one time did technology work in our favor to watch the session. πŸ˜› Day one and day three we winged it. haha

Here’s a breakdown of the days + some pictures.

Day One – I Can Obey God’s Plan For Me!

Monday’s (6.29.20) theme was Noah’s ark. We met up at a park and enjoyed the craft, making snack and running around outside. Our oldest attendee shared the Noah story which was special.

Day Two – I Can Trust God to Protect Me!

Tuesday’s (6.30.20) theme was Daniel and the Lions Den. This was the one day technology worked for us so we just threw in some side convos with the kids but everyone had a great time playing and learning.

Day Three – I Can Believe God Sets Me Free!

Wednesday’s (7.1.20) theme was Jesus, and technology failed us. So we winged everything but it was fun and the kids loved the extra special water day after we had completed the craft and snack.

Summer Blast was different but fun and I’m thankful we were able to do it with friends!

Til next year πŸ˜‰