panda day 2020

My grandpa’s birthday was July 12th, and since pandas were our thing, I honor his birthday by having Panda Day.

Last year I did a craft and read a couple books, so this year I focused on a fun snack time while we read panda stories.

Panda snack was pretzel sticks (bamboo), mini marshmallows and chocolate chips.

I also let each girl pick out which stuffed panda bear they wanted to join them during snack, which they enjoyed.

While they ate, I read our panda books.

The next day, we went to the grocery store and I made a comment to the cashier that sparked Rylie to say, “yesterday, we had a birthday party for Grandpa. A Panda party. Yeah, he’s in heaven now.” <3 my heart.

2 Replies to “panda day 2020”

  1. Deborah Abi says:

    You are such a great Mother, Sarah. I’m very proud of you. I know the girls had a blast!

    1. sarahmshaver says:

      thanks MeeMaw. They had a good time.

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