paisley – 10 months old

Little Miss Paisley is 10 months old and wow, has this girl gotten BIG!


  • crawling
  • playing with Rylie + Emmaline
  • eating all the things
  • having mama time
  • standing up and walking (with support)


  • being hungry
  • being set down when she wants to practice walking
  • having things taken from her
  • big sisters being too rough


We are food lovers over here, and Paisley has jumped right in. She does not care for eating something different than everyone else (example would be we’re having pizza and she’s having crackers. No. She wants the pizza! haha).

8oz bottles are still a thing of course – right when she wakes up + breakfast (usually cereal or eggs), mid-morning snack, with lunch + lunchmeat, cheese & veggie straws, another bottle + a food bar in the afternoon, a bottle with dinner + whatever we’re having and usually a bottle to top her off right before bed.


After getting the doctors advice last month, I really put my foot down and we had a couple nights of frustration (from Paisley), but she caught on quickly and rarely wakes up anymore. And if she does, she’s usually lost her Paci or her diaper is disgustingly full.

She goes to bed between 7 & 7:30pm and sleeps until about 7am the next morning. IF she wakes up, and that’s a big if, it’s around 4 or 5am.

Naps are still one in the morning around 9:30 am (usually only 20-30minutes long) and another around 12 pm.


Paisley finally got the hang of crawling this month and the girl will not stay still. She is speedy too. I’ll set her down, and when I turn around again she is in a completely different room. Ha!

She absolutely loves the water – which has been so fun in these summer months.

Now that she is more mobile, she is finally able to chase after the big girls (an activity she’s been longing to be a part of for months). Lots of giggles, screams of joy and movement occur during these play sessions and I love every bit of it!


My Sweet Baby Paisley is getting so much bigger, and I’m starting to miss the squishy, cuddley, newborn little girl she once was.

She has had such an interesting first year, and I can’t believe I’ve already picked a theme and a date for her first birthday. Crazy.


Rylie at 10-months

Emmaline at 10-months