homeschool update – 3 weeks in

How’s homeschooling and virtual learning going, friends?
Thinking of all of you who are making big adjustments and learning alongside your kids right now.

Even this homeschool mama is learning what works and what doesn’t. We’re three weeks into this journey and I thought I’d give a little update.

We start our day with breakfast (of course) and then we immediately get ready for the day. This includes getting dressed, doing our hair and cleaning up our bedrooms (picking up, making beds, etc.).

From there, we make sure we have our water bottles, I set our diffuser and grab the workbooks we’ll be using.

When we’re ready, I say a prayer over our day, thanking God for His magnificent creation that we get to learn about. I ask that He gives us a spirit of excellence and we give our best while we learn.

From there, I’ll review our weekly Bible verse with the girls (they repeat it after me several times).

Then we open our workbooks. This has varied from our Time curriculum and our The Good & The Beautiful curriculum.

Once we finish that bookwork, I’ll put Paisley in her crib for alone time. She’ll either take a small nap or just play quietly. Meanwhile, the big girls and I will go into the Living Room and play a game that is not so “Paisley friendly.” This is usually card games like Matching, Flashcards or Crafts.

After Paisley is up, we play. The usual go-to is something artsy like coloring or painting. Play-Doh, reading and imaginative play are regulars as well.

When lunchtime comes around, I consider our school day done. If we played that morning with friends or had an outing of some kind, we might do some light school that afternoon (Flashcards, reading, Time, etc.).

That’s the flow that has been working for us lately. It might change as the year goes on, but I love the rhythm.


What about you? Have you noticed a rhythm in your homeschool or virtual school days?