creativity is a gift

I read this quote in a book I’m reading, and it really stood out to me.

Creativity is a gift to the creator, not just a gift to the audience!

Do you ever have something you love to do, but it gets put on the back-burner? Unintentionally, it just happens. And then, when you realize it’s missing in your life all you see is how far behind you are and you become paralyzed, not knowing where to start or what to do. So there it sits. Collecting even more dust than it ever should have.

Welcome to my life lately with blogging.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m obviously here – but I’m behind. Behind on sharing. Behind on posting. Just…. behind. And maybe a tad into the comparing game. Just a tad πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

So let’s talk about it.

Let’s talk about creativity. And embracing it. Making it a priority. And unashamedly running with it even if you’re the only one watching.

Writing is a part of me that I squashed for a long time. Growing up I was never confident enough to let others read what I said. Then finally, at 21 I said “screw it!” and started this space that I’ve fallen in love with. It’s become my spot. My space. My outlet.

To be clear, I love that you are reading this! I love that you are taking time out of your day to be here, and I’m thankful! But truthfully, the first thing I thought when I read that quote above was “that’s me with my blog.”

See guys, I am so grateful that you read this – but at the end of the day, I do this for me. And I need to remember that.

I do this because for years I wanted to pair photos with my words. I wanted to have one place where all our memories were together. A place where I could see growth. And once I took that step and said, “I’m gonna do it!” & signed up and then fell in love with it and then decided to make it a big enough priority to pay for it …man.

I always knew I found a lot of joy having this blog (mainly because I’ve tried to imagine my life if I stopped and even in my imagination it feels weird…), but it wasn’t until I read this quote that I pegged it – it’s wonderful and a huge blessing to have an audience (of any size). But at the end of the day, I do this because it brings me joy.

Literally, I can go back to the days before we were pregnant to three kids later. That is such a blessing!

In the same book I read this story of a lady who as a child loved to figure skate. But the age came where you either had it for the big-leagues, or you didn’t. She didn’t and she stopped skating as a result. Decades later, so found herself back onto the rink and found a piece of herself again. So she hired a trainer and everyday before work she was there. That was for her.

So what’s for you? What do you do just because you love it? Just because it lights a little fire inside you?

I’d love to hear yours!