
After having three previous pregnancy, it didn’t take long for me to notice the signs. My appetite increased, I felt slightly nauseous for no reason and my thirst could not be quenched.

But my curiosity still got the best of me. Friday (9.18.20), five days before I was supposed to start, I took a dollar store test (I’ve taken dollar store tests with all my kids and it’s never failed me). Negative.

I wasn’t convinced, so I thought “it’s just too early.”

I waited a few more days and took another dollar store test Monday (9.21.20) and the second line was faint and really hard to see, but it was there.

That afternoon I bought my favorite “real” pregnancy test and planned to test the next morning.

So Tuesday morning (9.22.20) as soon as I heard Aaron drive away for work, I walked very quickly to the bathroom, opened the box and took the necessary steps.

3-minutes later, PREGNANT popped up along with a + sign that was so clear there was no mistake.

I had anticipated seeing this for days, so I think I was more relieved to know for sure vs. just assuming I was pregnant.

Anyway, I had a really busy week that week – my mom was in town, I was hosting two completely different events within 48 hours at my house (on of which was Paisley’s 1st Birthday Party) and I was running numerous errands while caring for the girls. Aaron worked a ton too so there really wasn’t a good time to share our news, so I waited…. a week haha.

Surprisingly, keeping it a secret from everyone for that long wasn’t that hard. I was keeping busy, so that helped a lot and when I was tempted to blurt it out, I thought of creative ways to tell Aaron while I laid in bed at night.

I decided to tell him Monday evening (9.28.20), and his reaction was the best πŸ˜€ check out the next post to see it πŸ˜‰