bump update :: 4-9 weeks

If you’ve been around, you know a new pregnancy means new bump updates.

The more kids I have, the more I enjoy re-reading these bump updates and comparing / reminiscing on each step in the journey.

So, let’s jump in and catch up.

Week 4:

Symptoms :: thirsty!!! & slightly more hungry.

Food Aversions ::Nothing specific

Food Cravings :: does water count!? 😛 I could never seem to get enough.

Sleep :: It’s pretty normal.

Looking Forward To :: Telling Aaron (I kept it to myself for an entire week…)

Fun Stories :: I found out during a really busy week (I’m sure you read it in my “how I found out” post) & I didn’t feel like it was a good time to tell anyone, so I just kept it to myself. It was weird but also kind of nice.


Week 5:

Symptoms :: Nothing super specific

Food Aversions ::Nothing specific.

Food Cravings :: Dinner time haha

Sleep :: I wake up once or twice but that’s either because of Paisley or needing to use the restroom.

Looking Forward To :: Sharing our news

Fun Stories :: I told Aaron and his reaction was the best! We also told my mom, Aaron’s family and a few close friends.


Week 6:

Symptoms :: Nauseous kicked in 100% this week. I tried snacking but even that was hard. I also have absolutely no motivation to do anything so our house is a wreck, my children are learning how to be more self sufficient (because I’m forcing them to 😛 haha) & don’t even get me started on computer work (blogging, Young Living business, social media – all of it is not happening!).

Food Aversions :: literally everything

Food Cravings :: random things at random times. Some examples are fried chicken, popsicles and Cheese-Its.

Sleep :: I ended up taking a mid-morning nap and a nap while the girls had quiet time. Two naps a day but man, it was so helpful.

Looking Forward To :: feeling better.

Fun Stories :: Rylie, Emmaline and Paisley were with my in-laws for a few days (right before my nausea hit hard) and when we picked them up, Rylie’s greeting to me was “is the baby here yet?” hahah oh no sweet girl, we’ve got a looonnngggg way to go.


Week 7:

Symptoms :: I have never felt so nauseous during pregnancy. It’s so weird and I’m so over it. Eating keeps it slightly at bay but I’ve learned that heavy foods do better than light foods. Water is a must and I usually go to bed between 8 and 8:30pm.

Food Aversions :: it’s so random

Food Cravings ::chicken, eggo’s, fruit

Sleep :: still on that nap game and I go to bed as soon as I can!

Looking Forward To :: Feeling better!

Fun Stories :: My confirmation doctor’s appointment was coming up and I was talking to Aaron about it. I called it “my confirmation appointment… even though I don’t need a confirmation – I know I’m pregnant!” he laughed!


Week 8:

Symptoms :: nausea when I don’t have food in my stomach. Exhausted always AND I’ve been cramping hardcore which has been so unpleasant. Thankfully I’ll heat up my hot-pack and it’s helped elevate the discomfort.

Food Aversions :: depends.

Food Cravings :: Acai bowl. To the point that I found a local store. Totally gonna be a regular thing now 😉 SubWay was also high on my list this week haha

Sleep :: I had a couple nights where I didn’t sleep well and man did I feel it on day 3. I crashed so early that night but I felt so much better the morning after.

Looking Forward To :: my next doctor’s appointment.

Fun Stories :: since I had the Young Living retreat, I got to share my news with my new friends and they were all so excited for me. It was sweet.


Week 9:

Symptoms :: I cannot get past this nausea guys! & I still stand by my comment earlier – this is the most sick I have ever been during a first trimester! I’ve found a good flow for sleep though which has been nice.

Food Aversions :: depends.

Food Cravings :: edamame

Sleep :: I lay down the second we put the girls down for the night and I’ll typically watch a show before falling asleep around 9/9:30pm.

Looking Forward To :: feeling normal again… and my doctor’s appointment this coming week.

Fun Stories :: I usually pride myself in getting past a craving, but with this first trimester nausea being so intense, I tend to cave more than I have in the past. This include adding things to our grocery list that isn’t normally on there – like Hazelnut Spread (WalMart Nutella) and edamame.