young living retreat – 2020

A couple months ago, a leader in my Young Living community sent out the idea of a 4-day retreat in North Carolina. I decided I really wanted to go and Aaron agreed to get the time off work + care for the girls so I could attend.

The day finally came and my friend & girl who got my into the YL life (Taylor) drove 9-hours from Alabama to North Carolina to enjoy the retreat.

North Carolina is an hour ahead of Alabama, so we arrived at 5:40pm on Thursday (10.22.20). We headed straight to the beach to enjoy the sunset.

We headed back in for a light, snacky dinner and played a get-to-know-you game. It provided for lots of laughs (stomach hurting, crying laughter) and was a great start to our weekend together.

The next morning, we ate breakfast & hung out on the beach.

When lunch time came, we took a short walk to a local fish restaurant and enjoyed some fresh goodness!

I got shrimp nachos and my goodness, it was a lot (but so yummy!)

We came back to talk business which was so refreshing (& needed).

Afterwards we hung out, ate dinner and enjoyed a beautiful beachy sunset.

The next morning we got up to watch the sunrise. Most ladies sat on the beach to watch but Taylor & I hung back and enjoyed the beauty from the deck.

After everyone had come back, we at breakfast before heading out to SouthPort where the movie Safe Haven & A Walk To Remember were filmed.

While we were there, we also found a garage sale and tourist shops.

We were also surprised by a special guest – Emily Recker. She is an incredible leader & someone I really admire / look up to. You could say I was a bit starry eyed at the thought of meeting her in real life (like that meeting someone famous feeling lol so silly but whatever). I 100% stopped walking when I saw her on the street hahaha.

She came back to our place, had lunch with us & chilled on the beach. We had some great talks and her & I had some great conversation too (don’t worry, I was chill & 100% myself 😛 ).

She shared some vision for our team / businesses and the months ahead as well as did a Q&A with us where we talked about Instagram, growing our teams + more.

After she headed out to go back home to her family, we ate dinner and took a few more team photos on the beach while enjoying a gorgeous sunset.

The next morning (10.25.20) we were up early packing & cleaning up the beach house before hugging our new friends goodbye and getting back in the car for another 9-hour road trip.

When I got home, I was welcomed by giddy girls and an even more giddy husband who quickly commented his amazement how I keep a home & three children so smoothly haha. They were all very excited to show me their big surprise too!

Our Christmas tree!!!! hahahaha.

Looking back on the retreat a few days later, I’m so thankful I made it a priority and was able to attend. It was so refreshing for me + my business.

One Reply to “young living retreat – 2020”

  1. […] first time drinking Ningxia was on the retreat haha I instantly fell in love and the benefits of it were hard to ignore. Now I’m hooked and […]

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