rylie’s 4th birthday party || avatar, the last airbender themed

Aaron introduced me to Avatar, The Last Airbender while we were dating and it quickly became a favorite. Earlier this year, he introduced it to Rylie and Emmaline and they immediately became intrigued and fell in love with the story and characters. They have since become obsessed and it was a quick request from Rylie to have an Avatar themed birthday party.

We were excited and willing to grant her request.

Before the party, my brother and his girlfriend FaceTimed the birthday girl and even came dressed on theme.

Rylie loved walking Uncle Dan around, showing him all the decor.

For food we kept it simple and stuck with the four nations – WATER = drinks | EARTH = brownies | FIRE = spicy Cheetos & cheese balls | AIR = popcorn

For decor, Aaron copied tutorials from YouTube and drew some of the iconic characters. His work was praised by all and the girls are excited to hang “Daddy’s drawings” in their room.

After Paisley’s party (where we dressed up), Rylie almost daily talked about dressing up as her favorite character, Prince Zuko, and regularly asked who were all were going to dress up as.

Aaron and I eventually came to the conclusion that instead of stressing about replicating costumes, we would simply follow the colors of the four nations – which worked out great!

Rylie even got her makeup done to look like Zuko – scar and all.

Emmaline was Toph & Paisley was from the Water Tribe.

Aaron & I dressed up as fellow Fire Nation people.

But the real winner was Rick & Michelle’s Ang + Katara costume.

Our Happy Birthday dessert was homemade chocolate pies.

Rylie loved being sung to and did a great job blowing out her candle.

Paisley made it to all the family member’s plates and enjoyed Mommy’s pie.

Kylo was in the backyard during the party and this gem of him was captured. hahaha

The party was a huge hit and Rylie had an absolute blast playing with her friends.