bump update :: 17 & 18 weeks

These two have fallen during holiday weeks so life has been crazy. Hence why these updates are combined ;P


Week 17:

Symptoms :: I felt off most of the week. It was hard to explain, but I recognized the feeling from my previous pregnancies. I chalked it up to either low blood sugar or low iron (both common pregnancy deficiencies for me). I assumed it was iron and was planning on getting iron pills from WalMart. A flag raised in Aaron though and I ended up calling my doctor to check. After talking for a while, they believed it was low blood sugar and advised me to eat more protein. After taking their recommendation, I felt a lot better!

Food Aversions :: nothing specific

Food Cravings :: cereal before bed – always haha

Sleep :: Paisley woke me up around 4am a couple days, otherwise I slept well.

Looking Forward To :: publicly announcing the baby’s gender.

Fun Stories :: with such a big gap between finding out the gender and announcing it publicly, there of course were a few people we told before it hit the internet. Pure excitement was shared and it was so fun. 


Week 18:

Symptoms :: i can still feel when I haven’t eaten enough protein

Food Aversions :: nothing specific

Food Cravings :: fruit, non-processed meals

Sleep :: I’m gone. Doesn’t matter how long I sleep though, I still wake up tired 🙁

Looking Forward To :: my doctor appointment this week. It’s the anatomy ultra-sound so I get all the pictures 😀

Fun Stories :: hearing Rylie tell people what we’re having never gets old. She says, “we’re having a baby brother. and his name is Spencer Myles Shaver.” <3