bump update :: 23 & 24 weeks

Week 23 was moving week and week 24 has been “getting settled” week so these bump updates have been combined ;P


Week 23:

Symptoms :: occasional cramps and my varicose veins were rioting against me all week (so uncomfortable / borderline painful… my constant movement probably didn’t help). Also a constant desire for water (which I promise I drank lots!)

Food Aversions :: nothing specific

Food Cravings :: water water water!

Sleep :: I fell asleep quickly but woke up often. I blame excitement mixed with lots of planning for the next day’s to-dos.

Looking Forward To :: not being pregnant. That sounds so weird but with moving I was limited on what I could actually help with. When I’m not pregnant I could have 100% helped in certain areas Aaron refused to let me because of my pregnancy. I was just bummed I couldn’t be more helpful.

Fun Stories :: nothing really significant stood out this week, but it was fun to start daydreaming of bringing a baby home to our new house.


Week 24:

Symptoms :: back muscle pain (which I totally got a massage for & it helped a lot. She said they were just overworked and baby is probably starting to pull on them).

Food Aversions :: nothing specific

Food Cravings :: homemade popcorn

Sleep :: fall asleep, stay asleep. Yay!

Looking Forward To :: figuring out for sure where his room will be so I can start prepping. I keep changing my mind ;P

Fun Stories :: I’ve had a few people gift me pre-loved clothes from their families and I’ve really enjoyed going through them and picking out my favs.