snow morning


Aaron and I were awoken by a screaming Rylie at 6:30am. Aaron glanced outside and said, “oh hun, it’s not snowing, it’s just frost.” I looked closer and said, “um, I think it actually is snowing.” We both looked again and Aaron agreed it was actually snowing.

The last time is snowed was back in 2017 – Rylie had just turned a year old and I was pregnant with Emmaline.

Seconds later, Rylie proclaimed her hunger and desperate need for food (that girl always acts famished in the mornings) and Emmaline + Paisley were both walking out of their rooms before 7am. Seriously!?

While eating her oatmeal, Rylie started asking us some questions about snow. I found these videos on YouTube and we watched and discussed them during breakfast.

For the next hour, we read snuggled under blankets, read books and watched the snow fall. It was so dreamy!

By 8:30am Rylie was asking to do her learning workbook, so we gladly went over her work & I got paper + crayons for Emmaline & Paisley.

Not long after, we were putting on layers of clothes to go outside. Snow is not regularly on the forecast in Alabama, so we each wore two pairs of pants and two jackets in addition to our boots, hats and gloves.

The pure joy and excitement on Rylie’s face is priceless. Meanwhile, Emmaline was still deciding if she liked the frozen rain & Paisley was trying to convince us she did not need to wear a hat. Haha!

There wasn’t much snow to do anything with, so we opted for a walk instead.

Remember the days when we didn’t have kids and I was really good at taking pictures with Aaron on the weekly!? Now we’re lucky if we get “just us” pictures on major life events hahaha

After a good 45-minutes outside, we were all red-faced and ready for some warmth. We walked inside, shedded some layers and I made a pot of tea for us to share. The girls were so excited to have a tea party!

I offered some to Aaron and he laughed and then said, “I’ll drink SWEET tea.” He even grabbed our giant mug ;P hahahaha I could not stop laughing!

By lunchtime, the sun was shining and the snow was melting. Flurries came and went but nothing stuck.

Although we were bummed it was over, we were so excited to have gotten what we did.