bump update :: 31 weeks

My maternity closet is getting smaller as my belly gets bigger – so my options are basically a couple maternity tanks + leggings, a dress or Aaron’s shirt ;P

Week 31:

Symptoms :: my body does not like it when I “overdo it.” which basically means if I do too much physical activity (walking, cleaning, running errands, carrying kids, etc.), I have super painful cramps &/or braxton hicks. that being said, I have to be very intentional to make wise choices and take it slow and rest often.

Food Aversions :: nothing specific

Food Cravings :: nothing specific

Sleep :: sleep happens, but I wake up tired 🙁 I wake up every time I turn because I have to reposition blankets, my pregnancy pillow & occasionally use the restroom.

Looking Forward To :: my baby shower in a couple weeks

Fun Stories :: Rylie loves putting stuffed animals up her shirt and walking around saying she’s going to have a baby. she “births” her babies multiple times a day too hahahaha