life this last week – april 2021

I miss doing “day in the life” posts, and I really should share with you guys more often what our day to day looks like. So today, I’m sharing this past week while my mom was in town from Seattle, WA. Granted, our days were pretty abnormal to accommodate being with our guest and we had two big events, but I still wanted to share with you what we’ve been up to.


On Wednesday (4.7.21) we picked up my mom (known as Nana to the girls) from the airport for her week long stay to celebrate my baby shower, Emmaline’s birthday party & help with some baby prep. On the way, Paisley was obsessing over her sunglasses and kept saying “MOMMY! MOMMY!” until I looked back and she would smile so big and proudly.

Also, please note that she has shedded her socks and shoes. My kids are so anti-shoes in the car at this age for some reason ;P

On Thursday morning (4.8.21) I had an early doctors appointment so Aaron, Emmaline & Paisley (Rylie was with my sister-in-law) showed Nana around the property. Kylo apparently got to hop a ride as well hahaha

Friday (4.9.21) was my baby shower, so we had to get the girls ready. This was my debrief (which is such a norm in our house) explaining to the girls the step-by-step process of what was going to take place before we went to the party.

After I was done, we thumbs-uped confirming that we understood. hahaha

We also had an assembly line for getting our hair done. Another regular occurrence for us multiple girl families haha.

The next day (4.10.21) was Emmaline’s birthday party and we got to Rick & Michelle’s (my in-law’s who generously hosted) early to get the food together and decorate. Once we were finished, we chilled around the table until the party started.

After the party we hung out at our house, trying to relax before the busy workweek began.

On Sunday (4.11.21) we went to church and then made a WalMart run to get some groceries. Later on we went on a walk and found a bunch of wildflowers that we picked and put in a mason jar on the table.

w i l d f l o w e r s
these are a few of my favorite things 🥰

On Monday (4.12.21) my mom took Rylie out on a one-on-one date and they went shopping for some needed clothes / shoes. Rylie was ecstatic to share her purchases which included play dresses, church dresses, some summer tees and church shoes.

Aaron got home from work in time for dinner and we wrapped up the evening with a couple board games.

Tuesday (4.13.21) my mom had an appointment so the girls and I took a walk outside together. Rylie proudly showed me her big leaf and the girls worked together to carry a giant stick up a hill.

Once my mom got back, I raced to a much needed & long overdue hair appointment. It was so nice to get it colored before little man arrives and I’ve gotten lots of compliments on it 😀

When I got back, we went to martial arts class. It’s testing week (where the kids can test to earn their next belt color) so all the students have to wear their white jackets. It took me a minute to figure out how to get it on properly (it was surprisingly confusing haha).

Wednesday (4.14.21) kicked off with Nana taking Paisley on a little one-on-one walk around the property while the big girls woke up and ate breakfast. The came back with a handful of more wildflowers and I honestly don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of it.

I placed an Amazon order for some baby items we needed while the girls had snack before helping Emmaline get ready for her Nana date.

While they were gone, I put together a few crockpot meals I could freeze to continue my stash for when Spencer arrives and nobody feels like putting together a meal from scratch.

We wrapped up the evening with martial arts and a delish dinner.

Thursday (4.15.21) my mom flew out late-morning so we spent the hours leading up to it eating breakfast and helping her get ready.

Aaron’s shift didn’t start until after lunch so he was able to join us and opted to ride in the back with Rylie.


Looking back, it was a very quick, fun week but I am so exhausted (shoutout to being 33 weeks pregnant though hahaha). Looking forward to my mom’s next visit when baby boy is here.