home blessings (toddler edition)

Yesterday (5.3.21) I sat down with the girls and had a talk. I basically shared where I am (physically exhausted and unable to do some normal activities, emotionally tired, needing lots of rest and time to sit, etc.). I reassured them this was a temporary state but I admitted that life would be a little different for a couple weeks until baby Spencer comes and Daddy + other family members are around to help out and keep their life flowing normally.

They were darlings and nodded while vocalizing they understood. I also shared that they were going to start helping me out around the house to bless our home more.

Disclaimer: there are already a few things they help out with, but to be honest, I do way more than I should. Below is a list of what they'll be helping with / taking on, but some of it they already do.

Home Blessings (toddler edition):

  • help set & clear the table for every meal
  • put toys & books away
  • put dirty laundry in hamper
  • put personal clean clothes away
  • clean up spills
  • help unload dishwasher
  • bring items in from the car
  • help put groceries away

what do your toddlers help out with around the house?