bump update :: 37 weeks

physically feeling rundown, food is tricky, loving water and holding plans loosely because we’re on baby watch (per doctor’s orders).

Week 37:

Symptoms :: I’ve been tired this week. like physically rundown. we’re clearly getting ready for some work.

Food Aversions :: food in general is tricky. sometimes I’m really hungry and other times I want nothing to do with food.

Food Cravings ::  water. so much water. fruit, rice Krispy treats, banana bread, etc.

Sleep :: I wake up regularly throughout the night and can easily take a nap (usually during quiet time).

Looking Forward To :: getting labor done so we can snuggle our sweet boy

Fun Stories :: at my 36-week doctor appointment, I had an ultrasound to check my fluid level, where the placenta was, how much he roughly weighed, etc. and then I went over the information with my doctor. She told me my fluid was great (not the normal with the girls… I had to be induced with Rylie & Paisley because my fluid was too low), my placenta was clear of my cervix (which was something we had been watching because at one point it would have been too dangerous for me to deliver naturally but it’s moved so we’re all clear now 😀 ) and he is roughly 6.5lbs. “THAT’S IT!?” I said. My doctor chuckled, knowing my babies are usually high 8lbs and she agreed he seemed smaller than my norm. She emphasized though that because he was on the smaller side of my babies, he’d slide out even faster. Oh boy.

The ultrasound tech even gave me a 4-D photo of Little Man (which you normally pay for). Like I wasn’t already in love with him <3