the days before spencer

The days leading up to Spencer’s arrival were very intentionally spent. Plus, my mom was in town (so I have lots of pictures ;P ). So I thought I’d share some of what the days before Spencer looked like and share some last photos of me / the bump.

My 38-week doctor’s appointment was pretty uneventful – just routine checks. I was still only 1/2 cm dilated, so after my appointment I was determined to get this process going.

Starting the next day (Friday, 5.21.21), I did my best to move – a lot!

I took the girls to a park / splash pad where we played and had a picnic lunch. It had been a while since we’d been there and the girls loved all the playground options.

When we got home, I was tired. But I did some computer work during quiet time but was up and going again once the girls were awake.

I dug out our wagon and stuck Paisley in it (which she quickly became obsessed with). We walked around our property for a good, long while before ending the day.

Saturday (5.22.21) was pretty busy for various reasons – but I also knew this was our last Saturday as a family of five.

One thing on the calendar included Rylie attending a birthday party at a trampoline park. I even lightly bounced on a trampoline a few times – which had some of the parents giggling because they knew what I was trying to do ;P

After we got home, we had lots of outdoor play (imagine my big pregnant self running through the sprinkler multiple times haha), quality time with the girls & a delicious dinner!

Sunday (5.23.21) was a lot of the same. I ended the day with a bowl of ice cream though and I took advantage of my portable table haha

Monday (5.24.31) was a beautiful day and immediately started off with me being very active.

We spent the morning at another favorite park with some friends where I chased the girls around before we all decided it was heating up and AC was calling out names.

side note: I have a picture of Emmaline hugging my belly in the same way when I was pregnant with Paisley and I couldn’t help but desire a similar photo of this precious girl hugging my belly.

I was already taking a nap pretty much every day, but all the extra activity was wearing me out haha – so a nap was a must!

My mom snuck this photo of me sitting with Paisley while she woke up from quiet time and I am so glad she did. Paisley and I just sat in silence for several minutes as I watched her wake up, rub her eyes, stare at the wall and slowly decide she wanted a snack. It was a sweet few minutes for me with my (then) youngest.

That afternoon we took another very long walk. The girls loved the fresh view and I enjoyed the distance (since I was trying to walk this baby out haha).

The constant walking, movement and lifting toddlers must have helped because I started cramping that night and went into labor the next morning! 🙂