pregnancy overview #4

I did overviews of each trimester with Rylie (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and whole pregnancy overviews with Emmaline and Paisley. Baby #4 was very different than my first three pregnancies, so I wanted to round-up some noteworthy things.

Food Facts:

My most common craving throughout the pregnancy was MEAT. mainly fried chicken. & fruit!

My most common aversion throughout the pregnancy was CHINESE. So weird because I normally love Chinese.

Biggest Physical Struggle

  • Nausea in the 1st Trimester – it was so debilitating, I couldn’t even function most days.
  • The blood clot I had above my uterus that almost caused a miscarriage
  • Extremely early aches and pains
  • My placenta was so low we had multiple ultrasounds to watch it to make sure I could have a natural labor. It went from being .5cm away from my cervix to 2.5 by the time I was 36 weeks


Special Events:

Bump Updates:


Thank you for being so interested in this season of my life! I’ve really enjoyed documenting this pregnancy in between all the other stuff going on in our lives and it’s been so fun to be able to look back.