update on Katara

I realized the other day I haven’t talked about Katara in a while, so I thought I’d give her a blog spot πŸ˜›


Katara is doing GREAT! She’s 100% outdoors now and even when we bring her inside briefly, a couple hours later she’ll be meowing at the door to go back out. She loves the world! She loves being able to catch things like mice & climbing trees.

Her fur is EXTREMELY long & poofy, which makes her look even fatter than she already is. She eats good. I mean, cat food + mice and who knows what else she catches. Not to mention it’s winter and animals naturally seem to store food inside themselves.

Last night though, she came inside for a bit and the second she hopped onto us sitting on the couch she instantly began to pur. I love the way she purs. It’s so loud haha. She cuddled with Aaron for most of the night, but did make sure her mom got some love too πŸ™‚