reaching senior star

After a year of working, putting in long hours and helping families discover the beauty of clean products, on Friday (7.30.21), I got promoted to the next rank – Senior Star.

I read the news on our business group text on Voxer in the middle of the night while nursing Spencer. I was so happy and thankful.

The next day, my team leaders posted sweet congratulatory posts and they made my heart swell <3 this community is literally one of my favorite things about this business and to be seen and recognized by them was so sweet.

we did some things to celebrate – like a Dollar Store run to get some balloons and table decor.

I also took a photo because… well, it’s me ;P

here’s a little behind the scenes for you haha

And then, the next morning (7.31.21), after some strategic placement, I also got Aaron’s account to rank up as well, hitting the first rank of Star!

It took a lot of work to get here, but I am so thankful for the amazing team I work with and the encouragement of the YL community when I needed a pick-me-up.

Shaver and I have big things planned for our business, and I’m excited!

previous rank-ups:

+reaching star