homeschool curriculum – 2021

There are a ton of options when it comes to curriculum & you really need to find what works best for your family. Over the last year I read some homeschooling books, did some observing + dreaming and came to the conclusion that if I was going to label our homeschool style, it’d be a mix of Charolette Mason & Wild+Free. Basically that means we value







We used The Good & The Beautiful  last year for Rylie’s Pre-K and it was incredible. I fell in love with it and was excited to place my order this summer. Plus, I got all the books + some extras for each kiddo and it cost LESS than most parent-guides from other curriculums (and you still have to buy the kid’s books. phew.)

Today I’m sharing an in-depth look at what the curriculum looks like this year for Rylie (Kindergarten) and Emmaline (Pre-K)

First of all, this curriculum is Christian based, which was really important to us. 

I also wanted something that didn’t require a lot (if any) prep work on my end. This curriculum has a sentence or at most a paragraph explaining what I need to instruct for my child.

This makes it one book, verses other companies I found that had a book for the parent and another workbook for the child.

It also was super cost friendly. I looked at some other Christian curriculums and it was over $150 for just the parent’s guide. Uh, no thanks. I got this curriculum for under $50 and I am thrilled. It’s one book + activity extras. 😀

I’m also using this AWANA Sparky book as a guide to get more scripture in us so we can memorize one verse each week.


Schedule wise, I’m really loose. Intentionally. But because there are things that need to get done, this is an outline of our flow.

You can check out what I’m doing for Activity Boxes on this post.

Certain days of the week we have staple activities like martial arts, library trips, zoo visits, playground stops, etc.

Here’s a video mom me sharing more homeschooling info AND giving you a peek inside the Pre-K and Kindergarten curriculum.

One Reply to “homeschool curriculum – 2021”

  1. […] Rylie also wrapped up her K-Primier book she started the beginning of summer and we started her Kindergarten Language Arts and Literature book. Still loving this curriculum. […]

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