life lately – february 2022

We announced that we are adopting at the very end of January, so February I would almost label “the adoption fundraisers prep” month. Most days I was driving around with the girls to pick up yard sale donations, emailing the company we are getting our merchandise from and trying to keep our rhythms strong.

We started our month at the library making fun snowman faces.

This cutie joined me in the middle of a work zoom (an hour past her bedtime btw) but I let her hang with me for a bit before sending her back to bed.

We celebrated one year of living on the property and it was so special.

Rylie wrapped up her martial arts journey by completing her black belt.

I was asked to share my testimony at our church’s youth group. I was honored and had a great time pouring into these teenagers.

I had multiple times this month where Rylie just seemed so grown. 5years old has been an interesting year for all of us – Aaron & I have been caught off guard by some things and Rylie is learning and growing constantly. These days are precious.

One day, our fam just chilled on the trampoline snuggled under a blanket and it was sweet. Short lived, but sweet.

My father-in-law rented an excavator and it always draws a crowd.

The Alabama weather has been weird but we’ve taken advantage of being outside when we can.

We did a lot of life-learning this month as we prepare for our adoption journey. The girls have been outstanding and even helped Aaron and I roll coins for us to deposit into our adoption account. We talked about the adoption process, the coin amount, etc.

Rylie and I did book work here and there too but she is really thriving with the consistency.

Rylie lost her first tooth!

Young Living products did it again with assisting our kids in the sleep department. I’ll write a separate post about it because it has literally changed the game when it comes to sleep, but the short story is Paisley, who normally wakes up super early and very very cranky (unrested), since implementing these products into our nighttime routine, now wakes up after the sun has risen and joyful. PRAISE!!!

Spencer turned 9 months old.

And lastly, we went to the zoo a couple times and this monkey with the bucket on his head just gives me all the smiles! I feel you bud, I feel you!