rylie lost her 1st tooth

Rylie’s front bottom tooth had been wiggly for a couple weeks. She would occasionally comment that it was hard to bite things without it bothering her but she continued to ask us to wiggle it, and each time, it was more evident it would be coming out soon.

Aaron made a couple comments like “can I pull it?” and “I’ll go get my pliers and we can pull it out.” to which Rylie said, “noooo…. get a hammer!” hahahaha this girl.

We also used bedtime stories to share our own loosing our first tooth stories – mine being the most exciting involving me swallowing it, causing my mom to go on a treasure hunt. Memorable for sure!

On Monday (2.21.22), we went to a friend’s house for a play date. Nothing special was going on, until Rylie walked up to me from the other room and said with pure excitement, “MOMMY! I LOST MY TOOTH!”

I freaked out. “AND I DIDN’T SWALLOW IT!” she continued with glee haha

When I asked her what happened, she said she just grabbed it and pulled. Brave girl!

What is your story loosing your first tooth?