life lately – march 2022

March is wrapping up and I can’t believe the first quarter of the year has passed. Geez.

Tuesdays are our library days, which basically means we’re there for an hour in the morning for story + craft time. It’s a staple around here and I love that the librarians know us by name and it’s a highly anticipated event in our home.

Our adoption merch arrived so we got that prepped for our launch day (my birthday).

I turned 28 years old.

Aaron and I actually got a few dates this month which is always special and needed!

Our homeschool days have been evolving and I really enjoy it.

Paisley started gymnastics which she anxiously awaits every week.

The adoption merch was a big hit and we’re so thankful to be regularly visiting our post office to put these gems in the mailbox.

In the midst of our busy month, I did my best to stay present on social media. My favorite accomplishment was a Reel I made ;P

Yard sale prep was heavy as the big date approached, but we did keep a few things for ourselves… including these vintage Polly Pockets.

I got a much needed haircut!

The Yard Sale Fundraiser was crazy but so rewarding.

One of our sale items (per Emmaline’s request) was flowers. We had leftovers so I put a post out on social media and they were all sold within 24 hours.

I don’t know if it was the intensity of the yard sale or what, but I came down with a horrible round of mastitis which left me feeling awful, cancelling plans and laying low for a few days.

Meanwhile, our house was all kinds of play, mess and crazy… ;P

Spencer turned 10 months old.

We did lots of playing outside as the days turned into Spring.

And, to wrap up the month, we took photos for Emmaline’s birthday session (which you’ll have to wait for her actual birthday to see the pics, but they are adorable!)