we’re hockey fans…apparently

Guys, I wish I could tell you this story in person. For real – the humor behind my words just cannot be heard written out. Hahaha!

Hockey was a sport we were aware of, but really had no interest in. A good friend of mine’s husband even asked Aaron if he was into hockey recently and Aaron’s response was “no. I’m sure I could get into it, but I don’t currently watch it.”

Then, one evening, I walk into the living room to find Aaron is watching hockey. “What are you doing?” I asked him. He shared he decided to give it a shot, so he was watching a game. I shrugged and moved on. I think I went to bed actually.

Well the next day (3.31.22), after a beautiful day pretending to be Pioneers, Aaron found tickets for our local hockey team and asked if I wanted to go. Shock! That was my response.

“You just watched it for the first time last night, and now you want to go to a game in person!? We haven’t even been to a football game together – and we actually care about that sport! Why do you want to go?” with a ginormous smile, he replied, “because I like hockey now. It’s awesome and I think you’ll have a lot of fun!”

I decided it would be a fun date, so we went. To my surprise, Aaron bought front row tickets. I poked fun at him the entire time because I thought the whole situation was just hilarious!

But oh my gosh guys – I was clueless and so confused but it was a blast!!!!

I still don’t know much about the rules, but I learned some and really enjoy watching it now.

Within the first 3-minutes our team scored a goal and got in a fight (yeah, they like slam, punch and beat each other up in hockey and it’s totally allowed… hahaha). I was wide-eyed and hysterical. By the end of the game, I was so invested. Aaron says I was one of the first people who stood up when our team made the game-winning goal.

So, apparently we’re hockey fans now. And I’m actually kinda down for it! 😉