let’s ride a train

My mother-in-law texted me a link to a free event at a train museum and I was surprisingly eager to go. I usually avoid free events for all the traffic they bring, but this one said “free train rides” which I knew would be a big hit with the kids (and myself ;P ). We agreed to get there early which was a smart move on our end.

Michelle and I both forgot about the event until Thursday night when we were reviewing our calendars for the next day haha but on Friday morning (6.3.22), we were up and ready.

We listened to their little informative talk about track safety and then we got our tickets to board 😀

We started at the front car, which we had all to ourselves.

Then we moved to the outside car where we got to enjoy the breeze.

The girls were giddy the entire time and Spencer waffled between excited confidence and hesitance.

We ended up riding the train twice and even got a VIP tour of the caboose by a gentleman who was working. He shared some fascinating stories / history and we were so grateful for his generosity.

We got our polaroid pictures and headed home for lunch.

It was such a fun and memorable morning! I’m so glad we went.