this time is precious

Someone wrote this and it really struck me. It’s something I knew I wanted to share on the blog someday, so I hope you read it and it resinates with you like it did for me.

This stage of life is beautiful. Like, really really beautiful. This is the stage of life where every single older person you ever meet tells you, “you’re going to miss this”. And you already know it’s true.

It’s the stage where your kids love you more. It’s the stage where they can fit their entire selves into your lap to snuggle, and they want to. It’s the stage where their biggest problems are ear infections and teething and stomach viruses, and you’re not dealing with things like broken hearts or addiction or bullying yet.

It’s the stage where you are learning to love your spouse in an entirely different, harder and better way. The stage where you are learning together, being stretched together, shedding your selfishness together, and TRULY being made into “one”.

It’s the stage where you get to see Christmas and the Fourth of July through your kids eyes, and it’s so much more fun and magical than it would be just through your own eyes.

It’s the stage of life filled with trips, parties, dress up, swim lessons, baths, dance parties, loose teeth and first steps. And those things are so fun.

It’s the stage where you are young enough to have fun, and old enough to have obtained at least some wisdom. It’s SUCH a great stage. And one to be cherished. Because it is precious. Time is precious!