forest school – harvest theme

This is week 2 of our sweet forest school and I’m still so thankful to be a part of this community! Last time we gathered we talked about gardening, and this week was about harvesting.

Forest School or Nature School is best described as learning that happens while playing outside. Of course you can do this on your own (as we do), but it’s always fun to include friends.

Our time together starts off with a 30-minute lesson. This week we talked about the difference between fruits and vegetables. I was shocked by all I learned during this lesson!

My kids first stop was the snack table (surprise, surprise). Here they got to use child safe knives (we have these and LOVE them!) and prepare their own snack bowls.

Our next stop was making mud-pies and taking them to the farmers market.

& of course, the little book nook with themed books for our lesson was my favorite!

This is such a special community of likeminded mamas and I am so expectant for all this season will bring us.

3 Replies to “forest school – harvest theme”

  1. […] to be a part of this community! The first week we learned about gardening, second week was harvesting, and this week was about […]

  2. […] first week our group gathered we learned about gardening, second week was harvesting, third week was about Autumn, fourth was highlighting the diverse seasons, and this week we met […]

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