happy 5th birthday emmaline

Emmaline Victoria is 5 years old and I am not one bit surprised that she is. She has acted 5 for months now and, per usual, it’s nice to finally have her at the age she acts like.

She is my girly-girl who loves pretty dresses, flowers, being goofy and will bluntly tell you if you don’t look good (I’ve been told many times my outfit is not up to par).

She is kind, empathetic, compassionate, the most creative and her subtle humor will make you cry from laughing so hard.

She is officially in Kindergarten workbooks and is loving it. She also moved up from the Preschool class at church (where she was the leader of the group due to her age and maturity) and her teachers are sad to see her go.

Emmaline, you are one of my biggest blessings. I love you so deeply. You came into the world fast and furious (her birth story is so “Emmaline”) and ever since you have owned the room. “And then Emmaline…” is what we used to say when you were an infant / young toddler because you would out of nowhere become so vocally passionate it couldn’t be ignored. But now “And then Emmaline…” means you came in and changed the atmosphere in the best way. You have made me better! As a mom and a woman. I love you, Little Love. Happy Birthday!