nature day forest school – mosquitoes

I knew I wanted to do this lesson but there isn’t a lot already out there on mosquitoes. So I put together a lesson and read a story that also taught us a lot about mosquitoes (I learned a lot!).

At the end of our lesson I had the kids have a small dixie size cup and filled it with strawberry lemonade and then placed a square of foil on the top. I handed each kid a straw and they had to try to poke a hole through the foil (human skin) to get to the lemonade (blood). They all loved it.

Our other activity was a mosquito coloring page.

For snack I opted for red food (I told the kids we were mosquitoes eating blood lol they thought that was funny). We had watermelon, strawberries and red jello.

And of course we had our trusty book basket.