bump update :: week 15

{sorry for the late bump update… Aaron & I were visiting Seattle so I didn’t have my computer. Better late than never though 😉 }

Week 15


Symptoms :: My appetite was different then usual. Sometimes I was so hungry I could eat all my food and then some, but at other times I couldn’t even finish what was on my plate.

Food Aversions :: pizza. It just never sounded good to me for some reason.

Food Cravings :: fruit (specifically strawberries 😉 )

Sleep :: since we were in Seattle (with a 2 hour time difference – Alabama is 2 hours ahead of Washington), my sleep schedule was all kinds of wack. I was basically running on exhaustion most days but pushed through because I wanted to spend time with people. But when I did get to sleep, I slept well.

Looking Forward To :: my Washington baby shower

Baby Purchases :: Seahawks binkies.

Fun Stories :: Aaron & I loved being able to celebrate our news with our Washington gang. Our friends are so excited for us and my family can’t wait to meet the new family member.