an “ah-ha” moment

Ah-ha moments are awesome, especially when you feel like you really need one. The most recent one I had was regarding my business – SMS Photography.

Out of everything I have ever photographed – seniors, engagements, weddings, maternity, newborn, babies, families, events, head shots, etc. – there are only a couple of those I have genuinely enjoyed. And from a photography standpoint, that’s a good thing. I’ve heard for months that I’d be more successful if I specialize in a niche I love, but I was torn between what I thought would get me the most money & what actually brought me joy.

After a solid hour+ conversation with Aaron (who is also my business partner) the other night, we decided on a niche for me to focus on – one that will bring me joy and drive me to be a better photographer but also fits into this new season of life we’re entering in.


It fits perfectly into this next season of life for me – being a new mom and embracing all that that has to offer – and of course I’m going to want to capture all of it. Plus, I know a lot of ladies (and I will only continue to meet more and more) who are in the same season as me.


A few days later, Aaron and I reconstructed my pricing and created this AMAZING package that we hope is going to be a big hit! πŸ™‚

Another thing I am focusing on is improving my photography skills. Although I know a good amount, there is definitely more I can learn which would improve my photography immensely.

That being said, I’ve decided to jump back onto a project called “Project 365.” It’s where you take a photo a day for a year. However, I’m going to call it “Project 365-ish” because I don’t want to put the pressure on myself, but my goal is to daily pick up my camera and take a photo.


All that to say, SMS Photography is forever evolving and I appreciate your willingness to be on the journey with me! πŸ™‚